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Selectmen's Minutes August 8, 2005

Present:        William Roach, Emma Smith, Richard Leone, Frederick Gallup               and Stephen White.

   Present:      Donna Robinson, Charlotte Brown, Nancy Staszkiewicz,
                 Rebecca Miller, Deb Champagne, Ellie Goddard, Walt          
                 Goddard, Dick Jaffe, Jeanne Jaffe and Sue Cobb.

Chairman William Roach opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.


-       Public Hearing Dog Fouling Ordinance

Chairman Roach opened the hearing at 7:02 PM.  The ordinance was reviewed by the Board and those present at the meeting.  Charlotte Brown, Ellie Goddard, Stephen White and Dick Jaffe suggested changes be made.  Under Section 1 b.  The RSA pertaining to littering will be cited.  Under Section 2, the word “section” was changed to ordinance.  Section 4 was changed to read “This ordinance shall not apply to any person mentally or physically disabled accompanied by a service dog and who because of such disability is unable to comply with the requirements of this ordinance.  This ordinance does not apply to law enforcement or public safety K-9 while performing official duty.”   It was made clear that this ordinance will be enforced town wide and not only at the harbor area.  Elli Goddard stated that she has seen some positive things happening since the signs and disposal bags were put out.  People seem more aware of the problem.  W. Roach agreed stating that he sees that people are willing to work with the town to keep the area clean.  Charlotte Brown stated that she did not feel the fine was high enough.  S. White responded that he feels the fine should be reasonable and  can be raised if circumstances require.  F. Gallup agreed with C. Brown and would like to see the fines at $250.00 and $500.00. E. Smith requested that the ordinance be printed in the  newspaper.  Ellie Goddard recommended the Kearsage Shopper.  This will be done.  Donna Nashawaty  suggested that a small card be passed out to each dog owner when they are licensing their pet.  Walt Goddard suggested that the ordinance be posted in the harbor as well as other places.  D. Nashawaty will speak with Tony Bergeron about adding this to the existing signs.  The hearing was closed by Chairman Roach at 7:26 PM.  D. Nashawaty read the ordinance as amended.  Motion was made by Stephen White to accept the ordinance with amendments as read by Donna Nashawaty.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

-       Betty Ramspott:  B. Ramspott, Town Clerk, Tax Collector, was present to inform the Board that her office will be closed on noon, Wednesday, September 7 and will reopen on Saturday, September 10 because she and her deputy will  be attending a City and Town Clerks Conference.  She feels it is very important that her deputy attends with her this year as they are now using a new motor vehicle system.  Also, the Secretary of State’s office personnel will be at the conference to instruct the Clerk’s on the new vital statistics program.  She will advertise the closure in the newspapers and will post a notice throughout town.  She will forego attending the Tax Collector’s conference this fall.   The board thanked B. Ramspott for informing them of this.  S. White sated that he believes her office is doing a marvelous job for the community.   F. Gallup agreed.  D. Leone stated that he is very proud of the Town Clerk’s, Tax Collector’s office stating that he believes it is one of the best in the state.  E. Smith and W. Roach agreed.

-       Richard Jaffe – Mary’s Road:  Mr. Jaffe was present to see what the Board was considering to do about the problem with Mary’s Road that he had addressed to them earlier.  D. Nashawaty explained that the Selectmen would be considering at tonight’s meeting to set a date for a possible public hearing to discuss Mary’s Road as well as other private roads that the Town has been doing partial maintenance on.  She spoke with the Town’s Counsel and was told that the town may do partial maintenance if the roads were deemed “emergency lanes”.  After the hearing is held, the Board needs to have written findings with regard to health and safety issues.  She is proposing to the Board that the hearing be held Tuesday, August 29 at the Middle High School music room.  S. White encouraged Mr. Jaffe to get everyone on his road to attend the meeting.  He stated that if just one abutter objects to the town maintenance of the road, then it would not be maintained at all.   D. Nashawaty informed the Board and Mr. Jaffe that certified letters will be sent to all property owners on each road.   Mr. Jaffe thanked the Board for their willingness to resolve the issue.

As Mr. Gale was not yet present, the Board took up an item in Selectmen’s Action.  D. Nashawaty asked the Board if she may post a public hearing for Tuesday, August 29 to discuss “emergency lanes”.  The Board agreed and asked her to check into other roads they thought might be eligible.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to approve a letter to all residents of the roads to be considered and to hold the public hearing on August 29 at the Middle High School.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

     -    Harry Gale:  County Sucession:   Mr. Gale thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak with them.  Mr. Gale distributed three reports to the Selectmen.  The first on his findings through his research in Concord.  The second a proposed joint resolution and the third a notice of three meetings in August to discuss secession.  Mr. Gale read the reports to the Board.  He would like to present a bill before the House that would allow any town or city to secede from their county or create their own county.  He also wished that the Board would agree to further items in his resolution.  Mr. Gale’s reports are attached to the office copy of the minutes.  Discussion was held on the many facets that Mr. Gale offered and the past studies of county government in relation to taxation.  Mr. Roach stated that he had reports that had been done in the late 1990’s and early 2000.  He did not feel that further studies need be made when they already exist.  The rest of the Board agreed citing their frustration with Mr. Gale’s efforts to date.  F. Gallup stated that Sunapee is not upset about paying their fair share but feels that it is not fair and hasn’t been for many years.  E. Smith urged Mr. Gale to put his bill before the house now and not wait any longer.  She feels his process as proposed is way too slow.  H. Gale asked the Board to review his resolution and to provide him with a response as soon as possible.  


A.  D. Nashawaty presented the Board with a copy of House Bill 293 regarding Materials Resource Recovery.  The bill is asking that the Selectmen appoint someone from the community to represent the Town.  The Board recommended that Tony Bergeron, Road Agent, be asked to do this.  D. Nashawaty will check with Tony and will put this item on the agenda for the next meeting.
B.  D. Nashawaty asked the Board for a vote on participation in LGC Cobra billing procedure which she will sign.  Motion was made by Stephen White to approve participation.   The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

C.  D. Nashawaty presented the Board with a request from the Library to hold a raffle.  The raffle asks participants to purchase a ticket for $100.00 and the winner would receive a large amount of cash.   Emma Smith stated that she did not feel that this was a good way to have a raffle.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to approve the raffle.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  Vote in favor was Richard Leone, William Roach, Fred Gallup and Stephen White.  Opposed was Emma Smith.


A.  D. Nashawaty asked the Board if they would be willing to hold meetings on September 11 and Septemer 26 as Labor Day (September 5) would fall on a meeting night.  The Board agreed.

B.  D. Nashawaty discussed the “round table” session regarding County Taxes scheduled for August 23 at the Chase House in Meredith.  She would like to know how transportation would be handled.  The Board agreed to meet at the Park and Ride in New London at 5:15 PM and arrange seating at that time.  William Roach will lead the meeting.  Donna Nashawaty will present her charts and Alf Jacobsen will be the head speaker.   Richard Leone asked that the Board be given the email addresses of those in attendance.  An agenda will be drawn up for Chairman Roach.  It is anticipated that the meeting will be held from 7 PM to 9 PM.       

C.  The Board discussed Mr. Gale’s request in his resolution that Donna Nashawaty, William Roach and the Police Chief attend his sucession meetings.  It was unanimous from the Board that these people not attend the meetings.  Discussion centered on items in Mr. Gale’s resolution, one being the use of the $20,000.00 appropriated to study County taxation.  The Board agreed that none of this money would be spent as it is not necessary.

D.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that  3 employees have received training on maintenance of the Web Site by Virtual Town Hall.  The site will be launched on September 1, 2005.

E.  D. Nashawaty gave an update to the Board with regard to the revaluation.  Letters will go out this Wednesday to residential properties and commercial property letters will go out on Thursday.  Vision Appraisal has provided a web site for citizens to visit.  The address is  

F.  D. Nashawaty gave an update of the Safety Service Building.  Ground will be broke on September 12.  D. Nashawaty will ask the Water and Sewer Commissioners to aid with the laying of the new water line as this will only improve the quality of their service.  The Board agreed.  She will have the final contract for signing at the next Selectmen’s meeting.  D. Nashawaty asked the Board to consider waiving the builders bond at a cost of $15,000.  This is a small amount but will save the Town money.  This will be discussed at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

A.  Emma Smith reminded the Board of a meeting being held August 25 at Town Hall with the Selectmen, Town Building Committee and School Building Committee.  The meeting will be at 7 PM and discussion will center on the access road to the school through the Safety Services Building lot.
B.  Emma Smith asked D. Nashawaty if she had heard from the Health Officer yet regarding a meeting.  She had not.  Stephen White stated that he had spoken with the Health Officer and the Health Officer did not feel a meeting was needed at this time.
C.  Emma Smith asked what was going on with the Touchette complaints.  D. Nashawaty responded that Zoning Administrator Roger Landry was taking care of this.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 PM.
Submitted by, Darlene Morse                     Approved _______________

__________________________              ________________________
William Roach, Chairman                 Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman

__________________________              ________________________
Richard Leone                                   Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White